Author Archives: admin

Ashley and Drew’s Denver Engagement Photos

It had been raining on and off all afternoon, but we got lucky anyways. Right before sunset the clouds disappeared and we had perfect weather for an engagement photo session. [one_half] [single_lightbox url=”” image_url=”” image_width=”200″ image_height=”175″ title=”Black and white photo taken on the steps to the bridge”] [single_lightbox url=”” image_url=”” image_width=”200″ image_height=”175″ title=”Lifestyle shot taken[more…]

Mari and Grace’s Engagement Session

When Mari and Grace asked me to photograph their engagement session photos in Denver I was excited. I have become known for my outdoor adventure photography, and it seems most couples want to do their engagement photos with me on mountain bikes or skis. Of course I am not complaining since I happen to jump[more…]

Learning to Break the Rules Artistically

[dropcap color=”” background_color=””]I [/dropcap]think one of the biggest pitfalls we, as artists, can encounter is to become trapped by rules and convention. We spend a lot of time an energy learning and eventually mastering classic techniques. We get wrapped up in concepts like the the “rule of thirds,” getting perfect exposure, and trying to produce[more…]

Samantha and Derrick’s Wedding in Leadville, Colorado

It is always fun when you get to show up to a photograph a wedding on cross country skis. Samantha and Derrick had their wedding at the Tennessee Pass Cookhouse over looking Ski Cooper and Leadville, Colorado as well at the fourteener, Mount Elbert. [nggallery id=42] You can view the rest of the photos from[more…]

Timothy Faust is now part of

I am proud to announce that Timothy Faust Photography is now the newest member of, a wedding resource for LGBT and allied couples. Unlike other wedding websites that rely solely on pricing, vendors with must do not pay to be included on the website, but are vetted through a rigorous process that includes[more…]

Derrick and Samantha’s Engagement Session

Derrick and Samantha asked me if I would be willing to get up at 3:30 in the morning and drive out to Leadville, Colorado to do their engagement photos at sunrise in the subfreezing temperatures just because the light would be better. My answer, “Heck Yeah!” It’s rare that anyone cares as much about the[more…]