Salida, Colorado


Location: Salida Steam Plant
I’ve known Nate almost as long as I’ve lived in Colorado.  Nate and I both met Joy while on a weekend mountain bike trip to Moab, Utah.  I spent a substantial part of the 5 hour drive back to Breckenridge listening to Nate go on about how interesting Joy was.  It came as little surprise that they would be getting married just three years later.
It is an understatement to say I was truly honored when Nate and Joy asked me to photograph their wedding in Salida, Colorado.  It was pretty much a perfect day for a wedding.  There was the smallest amount of rain, but just enough to make for fun  and interesting photos with umbrellas, wet rocks, and dramatic skies. Everything about the wedding fit Nate and Joy’s wonderful personalities perfectly.


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To see more of this wedding, visit

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