Category Archives: For Photographers

On Photography: Flash for Landscapes? You bet!

Flash has a rather underserved reputation for only being useful for indoor or nighttime photography.  In fact, nothing can be further from the truth.  When the camera’s flash is the only light used to illuminate a scene, the light can look garish and uneven.  Flash, technically called “fill flash” is best used to fill in[more…]

On Photography: Wildlife Photography

A couple of weeks ago, I was photographing in Rocky Mountain National Park and witnessed some disturbing although not surprising behavior.  I spent about an hour moving into position to photograph a grazing elk.  After a few minutes of photographing the elk raised its head in alarm.  I didn’t think I had caused it, and[more…]

On Photography – Tripods: A Photographer’s Best Friend

There aren’t too many quick fixes when it comes to photography.  I see a lot of photographers, both professionals and amateurs, buying the latest gadget to make their images better.  Unfortunately, I’m a bit of a gearhead myself and am not above the influence of photography magazines showcasing the latest camera, lens, or accessory.  However,[more…]

On Photography: Risk and Safety

This year, a new company put on the Teva Mountain Games in Vail.  Much of the access photojournalists have enjoyed for the past several years was gone.  Photographers were cut off from some of the big events like climbing and mountain biking with the organizers citing safety reasons.  It got me thinking about the idea[more…]

Printing is better than ever

Now is a great time to be a digital photographer, especially if you love making prints.  Until recently, printmaking has always been one of the drawbacks of digital photography.  No matter how hard we tried, we could never quite match the look of traditional darkroom prints.  A few years ago, that quickly changed.  Not only[more…]

Staying Creative

People always tell me how lucky I am to be living in such a photogenic place; and they are quite right.  I am really lucky to be able to live in the mountains of Colorado, but even up here I can go through spells of feeling uncreative and out of ideas, a sort of “photographer’s[more…]