Author Archives: admin

On Photography: Risk and Safety

This year, a new company put on the Teva Mountain Games in Vail.  Much of the access photojournalists have enjoyed for the past several years was gone.  Photographers were cut off from some of the big events like climbing and mountain biking with the organizers citing safety reasons.  It got me thinking about the idea[more…]

Printing is better than ever

Now is a great time to be a digital photographer, especially if you love making prints.  Until recently, printmaking has always been one of the drawbacks of digital photography.  No matter how hard we tried, we could never quite match the look of traditional darkroom prints.  A few years ago, that quickly changed.  Not only[more…]

Print Exibition Saturday, June 7th

You are invited… To see Timothy Faust’s new print exhibition, Adventure Through the Lens, Saturday, June 7th at 6:00pm at the Frisco County Commons. Complimentary refreshments will be provided by D’Vine Wine. Timothy’s work includes a variety of subjects including adventure, landscape, and wildlife photography. It can be seen in magazines like National Geographic Adventure,[more…]

Staying Creative

People always tell me how lucky I am to be living in such a photogenic place; and they are quite right.  I am really lucky to be able to live in the mountains of Colorado, but even up here I can go through spells of feeling uncreative and out of ideas, a sort of “photographer’s[more…]

So What’s all this White Balance Suff? (From Summit Daily News, May 23, 2008)

I’ve been teaching beginning digital photography workshops here in Summit County for several years, and one of the most common points of confusion for my students is their camera’s white balance setting.  Many of my students are new to digital photography, and white balance is something they never had to deal with when shooting film. [more…]

Look to the Desert (From Summit Daily News, May 16, 2007)

The snow is leaving, but the wildflowers are still months away.  Consider a weekend trip to the desert for a chance to make some great images.  Wildflowers abide in the desert around Moab from mid April through mid May.  Just don’t expect the same blooms you find here in the mountains.  The desert is a[more…]

Images with Meaning (From Summit Daily News, May 16, 2008)

This will be my forth summer in Colorado and my seventh year working as a professional photographer.  This will hopefully mark the first of many articles on photography I will be writing on a weekly basis to the readers of the Summit Daily.  Hopefully my weekly photography tips and tricks will lead you to create[more…]

My first column in the Summit Daily News comes out Friday

Starting this Friday the Summit Daily News will feature the first of many bi-weekly photography columns I will be writing.  The columns will feature some of my favorite photography tips and tricks, Photoshop how-to’s, equipment reviews, and of course just some of my meandering thoughts on photography.  Check out tommorow’s paper!