I have been in this industry for a little over a decade. Not a long time, but I certainly remember shooting slide film professionally, and having to ship slides to magazines for publication. 



Instead of adapting to changes in the industry, they griped and moaned about how much better the industry used to be.

Here is something I have noticed in my short time in the industry. Some photographers have always complained about how changes in the industry have “ruined” their business. Recently the big complaint is how social networking allows anyone with a camera to create an online presence and be a “professional.” 10 years ago, some pros complained that the ease of digital photography was putting them out of business. Before that photographers complained about everything from computer controlled metering to auto focus had allowed inferior photographers to compete with them.

However, none of those things were true. The only way changes in the industry can hurt a professional photographer, is if professionals fail to adapt. I have seen many photographers that have well established businesses go under, and it has almost always been for the same reason:

Instead of adapting to changes in the industry, they griped and moaned about how much better the industry used to be.

Complaining about the changes in the industry, or the price of your competition, does nothing for you. It leaves you feeling bitter, not nostalgic.

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