I’ve traveled to the Grand Canyon over a dozen times and hiked to the bottom at least four times in the last decade.  It has always been pretty inspirational for me from both a photographic and a spiritual perspective.  In fact I met my wife, Carin, while backpacking there in 2001. While on vacation this past month, Carin once again donned her wedding dress to help me work though some more photographic ideas I’ve been having. First I had the picture in my head of a bride on the rim of the Grand Canyon, and what better place to do that then the relatively unvisited Toroweap Point. 

I spend a lot of time photographing brides in front of gorgeous natural settings here in Colorado, but I wanted to try something totally different.  We decided to photograph at Hoover Dam for the more industrial and almost anti-nature feel to it.  My goal was to reveal the beauty of a scene that on the surface wasn’t beautiful at all.

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