A few months ago I asked you to leave me some reviews online as well as help me increase the number of followers on social media. As a way of saying thank you, I offered to make a donation to the charity, Doctors to the World, that provides medical care in places like Nepal and Sudan. I can’t thank you enough for how much you all came through for me. First, here are the numbers.

Network Starting Final Change Dollars raised
Facebook Fans 1455 1512 57 $14.25
Instagram Followers 1700 3044 1344 $336.00
theKnot.com Reviews 7 9 2 $40.00
Weddingwire Reviews 11 14 3 $60.00

That brings us to a grand total of $450.25. I decided to round up to an even $500 and present the check to Doc PJ of Doctors to the world yesterday. He reminded me that he pays for his own travel expenses, so every dollar donated goes directly to the people that need it. Also given the low costs associated with care in the regions he works, he told me that through your help we have helped to provide healthcare to literally hundreds of people.

Thank you all again,
Timothy Faust

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