As you probably know, nothing is as powerful as word of mouth for the success of any business. Today the primary means of that is through social media and leaving an online review, but a challenge photographers like myself face is getting people to take the time to leave a review for is. Most reputable review sites do not allow businesses to compensate clients for leaving a review, but after talking with my doctor, Louis Perrinjaquet, we came up with an idea to help make it worth you while.


If you are a past client for weddings or portraits, even if all you did was order a few prints or download some digital images from a family member’s wedding, and take a few minutes to leave me a review, it will be greatly appreciated. Since I can’t compensate people for reviewing me, what I will do instead is to make a donation to, Doctors to the World, the charity group that my doctor works with providing medical services in developing countries.

For every review on Weddingwire or theKnot Timothy Faust Photography receives between the beginning of the year and July 1st, 2016, I will donate $20 to Doctors to the World. If you don’t have the time to write a full review, like my Facebook page or Instagram, and for each new follower I get, I will donate 25 cents, so tell your friends.


So there is complete transparency, here is where the numbers are right now:

Facebook: 1,455 fans
Instagram: 1,700 followers
Weddingwire: 11 reviews
theKnot: 7 reviews


To learn more about Doctors to the World, check out this websites and articles:

Summit County Fundraiser to Benefit Nepal Earthquake Victims




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