Not to toot my own horn too much, but I just recieved the results from the 2008 WPPI 16X20 print competition, and I won 3rd place and an Accolade of Excellence Award for one of my photo journalism peices. Below is the press release from WPPI.

Press Release


1312 Lincoln Blvd., Santa Monica, CA 90401

Timothy Faust Wins a 3rd Place Award in the

2008 Awards of Excellence 16×20 Print Competition

Timothy Faust of Breckenridge, CO, has received special honors in the WEDDING & PORTRAITPHOTOGRAPHERS INTERNATIONAL (WPPI) 2008 Awards of Excellence 16×20 Print Competition.

Designed to recognize outstanding photographers, the judging was held in Las Vegas, NV on March 15 and 16, 2008. Faust’s winning print, “Primal Quest Start” received Third Place in the Non-Wedding Photojournalism category. Faust competed against an international field of photographers to win such honors. The Awards of Excellence 16×20 Print Competition awards are presented each year at the largest trade show, educational platform and convention in the United States for professional photographers. The 2008 competition included 2653 prints in 19 different categories submitted by photographers from all over the world.

 For more information please visit


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