With the huge slowdown in the wedding business this past summer, it has presented me with an opportunity to get back to my roots and start creating a lot of new landscape images. To celebrate, use the coupon code SUMMER10 to take 10% off your order of hand signed framed or loose prints before summer ends on September 22.

Fine art prints are available as ready-to-hang float mounts featuring a reflection free surface with nothing between the print and the viewer. Or as a ready-to-hang acrylic mounted print with a high gloss surface perfect for high contrast images. Both of these options have the print going all the way to the edge of the frame giving it a very contemporary look. Your local frame shop can add custom wood moulding to the float mount or acrylic options for a more classic look. 

Lastly, all of the images are available as signed loose prints that you can frame however you like.

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